Students/Parents » Forms


Welcome to the High School Website!  
Above you will find several frequently used forms in the high school.  Below is a list briefly describing what each form is used for.
  • STUDENT VACATION FORM:  Also know as "Family Education Trip".  For complete information, refer to the HS Student Handbook, page 26.  Please note:  1) Approval for these requests will be at the discretion of the principal based upon compulsory school attendance guidelines.  2) No requests will be approved two weeks prior and during the dates of the Keystone Assessments in participating grades or content areas.  3) Extended educational trips during the school year may have a negative impact on children's academic progress; therefore it is suggested that vacations during school days be kept to a minimum.  Click below for an "online" version of the Student Vacation Form to submit electronically.
  • GUEST REQUEST FORM:  For complete information, refer to the HS Student Handbook, page 32, listed as "School Dances".  
  • PARKING PERMIT: For complete information, refer to the HS Student Handbook, page 34, listed as "Student Driving".  Please note:  Documents required to be turned in with the completed form:  Copy of student driver, driver's license; a copy of the vehicle(s) listed, registration and insurance card.
  • TEMPORARY PARKING PERMIT:  This form is to be completed for one day drivers.  For complete information, refer to the HS Student Handbook, page 34, listed as "Student Driving".